Safety is first in mind with everything we do at CORKY’S. Please carefully read and understand everything below in order to have a safe and enjoyable Axe Throwing experience. Please be aware that any violation of our safety policies or other unsafe behavior by any member of your group may result in you being unable to participate in your event, and/or removal from the premises. Your event fee will not be refunded.


Please wear properly fitting clothing which allows you good range of motion. CLOSED-TOE SHOES ARE REQUIRED for anyone entering the throwing area. Loose clothing such as hooded sweatshirts, shawls, scarves, and accessories can also create unsafe conditions by limiting mobility and/or snagging on objects during your event. For the same reason, brimmed hats are also discouraged.  Your Axepert will exercise his/her discretion when meeting your group – and you may be asked to remove any clothing items or accessories which could present a safety risk. We trust you and your group will cooperate.

While Throwing

You will be instructed in safety guidelines, throwing technique, and the structure of play upon arrival.

NEVER enter the throwing area until given permission to do so by your Axepert.

NEVER cross the throwing line until axes have come to rest either in the target or on the floor.

NEVER throw until the participant in the adjacent lane has completed their throw.

NEVER leave the throwing lane with an axe.

Food and beverages are not allowed inside the yellow safety line.


Follow all directions given by our Axeperts and other staff. Should you forget a safety rule, you will receive friendly but firm reminders from them. However, repeated failure to follow safety rules may result in your removal from the throwing area and/or facility. Please take their direction seriously, as all rules are in place for your safety.

Roughhousing & Horseplay

We ask that all participants behave in a responsible and adult manner. We are here to have fun, but safety must come first. Our staff will issue warnings for any roughhousing or horseplay. Repeated warnings may result in removal from the throwing area and/or the premises.


We ask that you arrive for your event alert and free from the influence of any substances, including alcohol. During your time with us, please drink responsibly. We believe that enjoying alcoholic beverages during your sporting event is both possible and safe when done responsibly and in moderation. Drinking to excess puts the safety of yourself and others at risk. Please be aware that arrival under the influence or excessive consumption during your event WILL result in removal from the throwing area and/or the facility by our staff.

Should this occur, please realize that they are doing so not only for your safety, but for that of your group, other groups, and our staff.


All throwing axes are provided by CORKY’S.  As required by our insurance company, patrons may not bring their own axes, or any other throwing implements on to our premises.

  • Closed-toed shoes are required to throw. No loose clothing, hoodies, or brimmed hats.  High heels are prohibited (boots are OK)
  • Follow ALL the Axeperts directions.
  • Never enter the throwing area without permission from an Axepert.
  • Never cross the throwing line until the Axepert approves.
  • Never throw until both participants in your area are behind the throwing line.
  • Never leave the throwing lane with an axe.
  • No food or beverages in front of yellow safety line.
  • No roughhousing or horseplay.
  • Arrive sober.  Drink responsibly during your event.
  • Our insurance prohibits all guests from bringing your own axe.
  • CORKY’S is a non-smoking facility
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